Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It's been awhile since I've done some Open Letters. This should be fun.

Dear Annie:

I love your hugs. They are truly the loveliest hugs in the world. What I do not love though, is your insistence that you are the boss of this house. It's dinnertime when I tell you to get in your seat, not when you feel like it.  When I tell you to put on your shoes so that we can get Meg to the bus on time, it's not a negotiation. As you've seen, Mama will just throw you in your seat shoeless and go about her business. Let's get on the same page here and make everyone happy, ok?

Love, your tired, overworked and very underpaid Mama

Dear Izzie:

You are a great snuggler. I love it when you curl up in my arms and coo. What I do not love is your insistence on breaking things~your bed, toys, books, crayons. You will end up with nowhere to sleep, nothing to play with and nothing to read or color. Do you really want to challenge me on that? Where are your blocks? Oh yes, in the garage, taken away due to your inability to treat them nicely. Let's get on the same page here and make everyone happy, ok?

Love, your tired, overworked and very underpaid Mama

Dear Drew:

You can be the sweetest, most loving little boy a Mama has ever known. I love that Drew with all my heart. What I do not love is the Drew who throws toys at me and his sisters, who hits, who screams "I hate you Mama" at the drop of a hat and who is generally irritable from sun up until sundown. That Drew can find a short pier and take a long walk. Bring back the good boy that I love, ok?

Love, your tired, overworked and very underpaid Mama

Dear Meg:

You will always be my little girl even if you are getting closer every day to being as tall as me. I love you to the moon and back. But for the love of coffee (and Mama loves her coffee), could you please please please stop acting like a baby every time I ask you to do something or you don't get exactly what you want the veryminuteyouaskforit? Your crying and carrying on is enough to make me go postal and quite honestly, that takes too much energy. You are such a smart kid, so let's get on the same page and make everyone happy, ok?

Love, your tired, overworked and very underpaid Mama

Dear Sheldon:

No more nights away from the house ok? Your big kids were so worried about you and I can't deal with all the crying and carrying on because you've disappeared into the woods where the coyotes live. So remember not to piss off the hands that feed you and come in at night.

Love, yo Mama


Suz said...

Sounds like they've all been very busy getting on your nerves - hang in there!

p.s. I love your new header!

Mariah B said...

Oh how sweet! I love the way you have the letters written out. Its sooooo creative. The words are endearing too. Definitely something to look back on after a year or so.

PS. Your new banner is to die for...

P.P.S Dont forget to enter your kids Easter pics in the Easter collage contest at http://themerrymakingco.com/2010/04/04/easter-collage/

Good Luck :)

Tulip and Turnip said...


And love the new banner!

creative kerfuffle said...

first--lol....i thought you were calling your hubs sheldon! rofl. ok, so then i realized it's the cat (right?) not the hubs. ah. ok. i hope the kids all get on the same page w/ you soon : ) i love, love LOVE the new header and am green w/ envy : )

Jill said...

You never cease to amaze me! Writing this out, getting it out of your system, is so good. My sincerest hope for you is that you all are, in fact, on the same page some day very soon! (I know it won't last long, but won't it be magical?!?!? :-)