Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The kids

What gets your kids to come to the table for dinner? My kids generally loathe mealtime, because a) it forces them to stop playing and/or killing each other, b)it requires them to sit still and c)because we don't always eat hot dogs/mac and cheese/pizza. BUT, there is one meal that gets them singing and hopping all the way to the table and we just ate it. TACOS. The kids (and by kids, I mean the older two, because Annie and Izzie, well, they're asleep and have been for about an hour) LOVE LOVE LOVE tacos. We buy the Ortega Hard and Soft Taco Dinner Kit and they eat like ravenous wolves. It's great. Even Drew, who soaking wet barely weighs 30 pounds, can tackle 3 tacos with ease. Now granted, we need to hose them down when they're done eating, but still. A meal eaten without complaints is worth all the wet paper towels in the world.


Remember when I said that Izzie was getting a tooth and was ahead of Annie? Well, I was wrong. Annabelle sprouted tooth number 8 yesterday and Isabelle's came in today. Not sure how Annie knew that Izzie was getting hers, but somehow she just had to beat her. At least these teeth seemed easier than the others. I am just dreading the molars though. Thank goodness the cribs have the clear plastic chew bars on them, because Drew nearly ate his crib apart when he was teething.


Oh, and Izzie has decided that the whole walking part of her life is A-OK with her. She walked all over the place today. And not along the furniture, laughing like a lunatic either, but across the room, from me to the wall, or to a toy. The laugh that she gets is really creepy. Our babysitter says it's like she knows something and isn't sharing it with the rest of us. It's that "he-he-he" kind of laugh that makes you wonder. But, until her head spins around, I'll take it as a sign of happiness.


2Forgetful said...

That's pretty funny about the teeth. Mine always got their teeth within a day of each other. Even funnier was that R. was always the "stronger" baby. She could hold her head up higher, sit up longer, etc. But A. still took her first steps the day after R.

Yummy, Tacos!

Auntie Nettie said...

"The laugh that she gets is really creepy. Our babysitter says it's like she knows something and isn't sharing it with the rest of us. It's that "he-he-he" kind of laugh that makes you wonder."

Darling -- there are SO many things that I could remark on in that last statement. Perhaps my Imp of Perverseness has skipped over to your offspring? Were you reading too much Edgar Allen Poe while pregnant? Good luck there Hester.